Take Advantage of this Rare opportunity for transformative mindfulness training in-person or as an online virtual event
IN PERSON OR Virtual Event
The Power of Awareness for a new world
If you’re feeling the heaviness of the world more acutely these days, you are not alone. Humanity is facing more uncertainty than ever. This is why Jack and Tara, along with two celebrated senior teachers, have evolved the deeply regarded Power of Awareness course—offering new training with a deepened commitment to engaged spirituality, equity, and cultural sensitivity. Please join us for this rare opportunity to train LIVE with Jack, Tara, Konda Mason, and Devin Berry–via livestream or in person at Asilomar in Pacific Grove, California.
Awareness is the superpower of our times
If there’s ever been a time for us to explore how to deepen our awareness, this is it.
With the ongoing pandemic, vast racial and economic disparities, and climate devastation, our world is desperate for greater understanding and compassion. When you understand the transformative, healing power of mindful awareness, you can dramatically shift the experience of your life, the people in it, and the world itself.
Awareness helps us navigate and respond with lovingkindness, rather than react along our same rigid patterns of thought. When you break free from your well-worn stories, you are able to respond with greater understanding and compassion. Awareness is a deeper knowing, a stabilizing that you can carry in all parts of your life.
One of the most beautiful things about mindful awareness is that anyone can develop it. Anyone can nurture a practice that helps them connect more meaningfully with others, take time for themselves, and widen their sense of who they are.
If this is something that calls to you, we invite you to experience The Power of Awareness, an in-depth mindfulness training program created to help you take the next step in your personal and spiritual evolution.
Over six days, you’ll learn valuable mindfulness skills, develop a regular meditation practice, and obtain a certificate from the Awareness Training Institute and the Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley—all while you experience the power of awareness to transform your life and the world.
Join us!
Tara & Jack
“Jack and I were inspired to create The Power of Awareness because we’ve witnessed how transformative awareness practices are for people facing great losses, caught in the grip of anxiety, or struggling with depression or addiction. We’ve seen these people use this training to find their way back to an inner place of balance, peace, and freedom.”
The Power of Awareness is being recreated with YOU in mind. It is designed to be a transformative mindfulness training that gives you a system you can use for your own personal growth and transformation.
Key features of the training curriculum include:
How to Establish Your Practice and Awaken to Your Body
You will focus on the basics of mindfulness while receiving the foundational practice of conscious breathing. You’ll learn how to harness the power of the body as a gateway to the world of sensations, so you can open your awareness in all domains of your life.
Mindfulness with Your Emotions and Freedom with Your Thoughts
You’ll learn the art of bringing mindfulness to your emotions, feeling states, thoughts, and thought patterns. A big misconception is that mindfulness is somehow disconnected from emotions. Nothing could be further from the truth as you use your emotions to support and guide you on the path.
How to work with difficulty in your life
You’ll learn strategies to awaken to mindfulness and compassion when you’re in the thick of difficulty. You will see how to navigate trauma, strong fear, and the overwhelming feelings that can come with great loss, and balance these with a sense of presence and lovingkindness. We will look at tools for breaking free from reactivity and, instead, learning to consciously respond to life’s events.
Expanding love for yourself and others
You’ll learn about the powerful healing that self-forgiveness can bring to your life, and you’ll receive practical tools for deepening your self-forgiveness journey. Take this a step further by learning how to widen your “circle of compassion” and to forgive others in your life.
Becoming more culturally sensitive
Increase your empathy and understanding through our innovative racial and cultural awareness training, with group discussions that support deep introspection. This training serves your own awakening and supports your capacity for respect, understanding, and attunement.
Creating mindful relationships
You will bring the skills of mindfulness to your relationships to deepen and strengthen your authentic bond with others. Move beyond unhealthy relationship dynamics and discover the importance of taking care of your sexual energy. Develop a mindful communication style focused on “non-harming.”
How to bring more awareness into your daily life and care for our world
You’ll be taking the new skills you have developed and exploring how to sustain your mindful presence beyond this training program. Begin the process of discovery around the unique contribution you will make to the world as you extend your present lovingkindness beyond your immediate circle of influences.
Devin Berry began practicing in 1999. His teaching is rooted in the Buddhadharma and mindfulness daily life practices. His training includes Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction teacher training, the East Bay Meditation Center Commit to Dharma Program, Spirit Rock’s Dedicated Practitioners Program, and Insight Meditation Society’s four-year Residential Retreat Teachers Program. Devin also cofounded both the Teen Sangha and Men of Color Deep Refuge Group at East Bay Meditation Center in Oakland. Twenty years ago, Devin began some of the first mindfulness programs in San Francisco Bay Area schools, including weekly mindfulness groups for youth, and worked as a frontline advocate for marginalized youth living on the streets. Over the years, Devin’s work has included leading wilderness camps for teens, rites-of-passage programs for tweens, and a summer camp for boys. Devin co-created Deep Time Liberation, an ancestral healing journey that explores the impact of ancestral legacy and intergenerational trauma on Black Americans. He is passionate about the power of witnessing and storytelling as a liberation tool. Devin is a father and teaches nationally.
Tara Brach is an internationally known meditation teacher, has a PhD in clinical psychology, and is author of several books including international bestselling Radical Acceptance, Radical Compassion, and Trusting the Gold. Her popular weekly podcast on emotional healing and spiritual awakening is downloaded about 3 million times a month. She has offered presentations at a range of venues including the United States House of Representatives, the United States Senate, the American Psychological Association, Harvard Medical School, Washington DC Superior Court, Smithsonian, the New York Times, and Salesforce. Tara is founder of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington (IMCW) and has been active in bringing meditation into schools and prisons, to those struggling with addiction, and to other marginalized communities. Tara has taken numerous trainings in understanding and undoing systemic racism, and has worked with her colleagues at IMCW to apply these insights to their own community. As a cofounder and teacher of MMTCP, she is deeply engaged with the leadership team in promoting equity and inclusivity in all facets of MMTCP.
Jack Kornfield trained as a Buddhist monk in the monasteries of Thailand, India, and Burma. He has taught meditation internationally since 1974 and is one of the key teachers to introduce Buddhist mindfulness practice to the West. Jack cofounded the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts, with fellow meditation teachers Sharon Salzberg and Joseph Goldstein, and the Spirit Rock Center in Woodacre, California. Jack has taught in centers and universities from Harvard to Stanford, mentored corporate and social change leaders, led International Buddhist Teacher meetings, and worked with many of the great teachers of our time. He holds a PhD in clinical psychology and is a grandfather, husband, and activist committed to racial equity and inclusivity, and to ecological and economic justice. His many books have been translated into 22 languages and sold more than 1.5 million copies. They include The Wise Heart: A Guide to the Universal Teachings of Buddhist Psychology; A Path with Heart; After the Ecstasy, the Laundry; and No Time Like the Present: Finding Freedom, Love, and Joy Right Where You Are.
Konda Mason is a mindfulness teacher, social entrepreneur, and climate and social justice activist. She was introduced to Tibetan Buddhism in 1982 and became a student of Lama Zopa. Her love for vipassana began in 1996, working with Jack Kornfield at the Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center. Konda has taught at Spirit Rock Meditation Center since 1997, starting out teaching Kripalu yoga. She has been on the Mentor Leadership Team of The Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program and co-created its Diversity Equity Inclusion and Accessibility curriculum. Konda’s dharma training includes the East Bay Meditation Center Commit to Dharma program, the Spirit Rock Community Dharma Leaders program, and the Spirit Rock Teacher Training program. In addition to her spiritual pursuits, Konda is the founder and president of Jubilee Justice, a nonprofit committed to ending rural racism. Currently living in Louisiana, she has turned her efforts toward bringing justice to Black farming communities. Konda sits on the Board of Directors of Krista Tippett’s On Being Studios, RSF Social Finance, Lion’s Roar magazine, and the Historic Clayborn Temple in Memphis, Tennessee.
Virtual Event Schedule
(For the schedule of in-person sessions visit the Asilomar program details page by clicking here)
All times listed are in Pacific Standard Time. You can convert to your local time using this time zone converter.
Opening Day: Sunday, June 19
7:30–9:00 pm
Welcome and Introduction
Monday, June 20 – Thursday, June 23
6:45–7:30 am
8:45–10:35 am
11:00 am–12:30 pm
2:00–3:00 pm
3:15–4:45 pm
5:00–5:30 pm
8:00–9:00 pm
Meditation and Movement with Jonathan Foust
Power of Awareness Teaching Session
Power of Awareness Teaching Session
Question and Answer
Power of Awareness Teaching Session
Meditation and Movement with Jonathan Foust
Virtual Event Evening Session
Closing Day: Friday, June 24
6:45–7:30 am
9:00–10:30 am
Meditation and Movement–Merrill Hall with Jonathan Foust
Closing Sharing–Jack, Tara, Konda, Devin
We invite you to create a sacred space for yourself at home, and to regard this event as an immersive retreat for learning the transformative power of mindfulness.
Want to know more? Read on.
Our event begins at 10:30 pm ET | 7:30 pm PT on June 19, 2022, and ends at 3 pm ET | 12:00 pm PT on June 24. The exact schedule of daily sessions will be provided when it is finalized.
This training program is for everyone looking to better cope with life’s challenges—whether you’ve never meditated before or you want to be a mindfulness meditation teacher yourself. The Power of Awareness will help you learn to work with and transform your most difficult emotions, feelings, and thoughts. You’ll learn how to bring presence to your interactions and overcome habitual reactions to situations. The program was created to meet you wherever you are on your personal journey, and to support you as a lifelong resource.
While there’s no shortage of online lessons on meditation and mindfulness, The Power of Awareness Live is truly in a class by itself, bringing you two of the world’s most experienced and celebrated teachers, Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach, along with Konda Mason and Devin Berry. This special presentation of this deeply regarded course includes new training and a reinvigorated commitment to inclusivity.
No, Continuing Education (CE) credits are not available to participants in The Power of Awareness Live event. However, The Power of Awareness is a prerequisite for The Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program.
Yes! Recordings will be made available afterward. You will receive an email with instructions on how to access them.
Virtual event fees are refundable until June 18, 2022. Once the event has started on June 19, your fee is nonrefundable. Please contact our customer service team before June 18, 2022, for a refund.
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