Exploring the Latest Scientific Research on Mindfulness and Its Impact on the Mind, Health, and Relationships

Exclusive Event with Tara Brach, Jack Kornfield, and Emiliana R. Simon-Thomas, PhD

Join Tara Brach, Jack Kornfield, and Dr. Emiliana R. Simon-Thomas, the science director at the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley, for a fascinating exploration of the science behind mindfulness and the research-based benefits of incorporating these practices into our lives. Emiliana is a leading expert on the neuroscience and psychology of compassion, kindness, gratitude, and other prosocial skills that bolster human happiness. Her work spotlights the science that connects health and happiness to social affiliation, caregiving, and collaborative relationships.

About Our Partner, the Greater Good Science Center

The Greater Good Science Center (GGSC) studies the psychology, sociology, and neuroscience of well-being and teaches skills that foster a thriving, resilient, and compassionate society. Based at the University of California, Berkeley, the GGSC is unique in its commitment to both science and practice: it not only sponsors groundbreaking scientific research but also helps people apply this research to their personal and professional lives. Upon completion of The Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program, students receive certification from the Greater Good Science Center, Sounds True, and the Awareness Training Institute.

Meet the Experts

Jack Kornfield

Jack Kornfield has been teaching meditation globally since 1974 and was one of the key teachers to introduce mindfulness practices to the West. Co-facilitator of The Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program, he has led thousands of students in becoming transformative forces for better outcomes and positive social change. He is also the cofounder of the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts, and the Spirit Rock Center in Woodacre, California. His many books have been translated into 22 languages and sold more than 1.5 million copies. He is a grandfather and husband, and holds a PhD in clinical psychology.

Tara Brach

Tara Brach is an internationally known meditation teacher and author of several books including the international bestseller Radical Acceptance. Co-facilitator of The Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program, she has led thousands of students in becoming transformative forces for better outcomes and positive social change. Her popular weekly podcast on emotional healing and spiritual awakening is downloaded about 3 million times a month. Tara founded the Insight Meditation Community of Washington (IMCW) and holds a PhD in clinical psychology.

Emiliana R. Simon-Thomas, PhD

Emiliana R. Simon-Thomas, PhD, is the science director of the Greater Good Science Center, where she directs the GGSC’s research fellowship program; is a co-instructor of its Science of Happiness and Science of Happiness at Work online courses; and runs key study initiatives like Expanding the Science and Practice of Gratitude. She also provides an expert scientific voice on the key roles that social connection, support, and belonging play in well-being to audiences worldwide.


Exclusive Event with Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield

The Science of Being Mindful