Sounds True’s Most Popular Online Certification Program Is Back

February 19, 2024–October 31, 2024

The Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program (MMTCP) is an online certification program with Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield, two of the world’s leading mindfulness meditation teachers, plus guest faculty including Eckhart Tolle, Dr. Daniel J. Siegel, Dr. Kristin Neff, and others.

MMTCP is for healing professionals, therapists, counselors, and spiritual mentors who want to provide deeper support to their clients and patients. The general public is also welcome to apply. Since the program first launched in 2017, we have certified over 7,000 teachers in 70+ countries.

Enrollment opens just once every two years, and there’s a limited number of spots that always sell out quickly, so there is a high level of urgency for your community to enroll quickly to secure their spot.

In addition to offering numerous opportunities to deepen their mindfulness practice, students will also benefit from unique program features including:

  • Online Curriculum accessible from anywhere in the world
  • Practicum Experience to apply new skills in professional and public settings
  • Mentorship Program including 1-1 and small group mentoring by highly trained instructors to address questions and inspire growth in specific areas
  • Distinguished Certification from the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley and the Awareness Training Institute
  • Continuing Education Credits available for professional development
  • Business-Building Tools & Resources for creating a business plan, and guidebook for designing and implementing a mindfulness meditation course
  • Becoming a Part of a Global Community of practitioners dedicated to breaking down the barriers to connection and providing enormous support in students’ personal and professional growth


Jack Kornfield

Jack Kornfield

Jack Kornfield trained as a Buddhist monk in Thailand, Burma, and India and has taught worldwide since 1974. He is one of the key teachers to introduce Buddhist mindfulness practices to the West. He is the cofounder of the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts, and the Spirit Rock Center in Woodacre, California. He is a husband, grandfather, and activist and holds a PhD in clinical psychology. He has written more than 15 books including The Wise Heart; A Path with Heart; After the Ecstasy, the Laundry; and more.

Tara Brach

Tara Brach has been practicing and teaching meditation since 1975, as well as leading workshops and meditation retreats at centers throughout North America and Europe. She has a PhD in clinical psychology, is the founder of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington (IMCW), and is the author of Radical Acceptance, True Refuge, Radical Compassion, and Trusting the Gold. Tara’s weekly podcast of talks and meditations is downloaded more than 3 million times each month.



Important Dates and Pricing

Marketing Period: February 19, 2024–October 31, 2024

Course Price: $6,700-$8,200 depending on the pricing tier. Payment plans are also available.

Affiliate Commission: $1,000

If a student you refer qualifies for a partial scholarship (we award a limited number of these each year to students who demonstrate serious financial need), the affiliate commission will be:

    1. – 25% scholarship: $750 commission
    2. – 50% scholarship: $500 commission
  • Program Start Date: Late February 2025

Links and Tracking

  • We encourage you to promote The Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program throughout your community via email, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
  • Be sure to use YOUR UNIQUE AFFILIATE LINK for each promotional effort so you can receive commissions for enrollments
  • Your Affiliate Link will track for 60 days, generating a commission for each enrollment you refer

Access the Campaign

    • If you are not already a Sounds True Affiliate, sign up HERE
    • You can log in to your Sounds True Affiliate Account HERE.
  • To locate your unique Affiliate link for MMTCP campaign in Post Affiliate Pro:
  • – Click Promotions in the left-hand column of your account
  • – Click Campaigns
  • – Search for Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program
  • – Click “Show 2 Banners” to access links 
  • – Scroll down to the banner named “Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program: SALES Page
  • – Copy the URL there or use the QR code

What to Promote and When (and Promotional Materials)

5 Keys to Becoming a Mindfulness Meditation Teacher

When to promote: February 19th - October 17th

Email and Social Copy


Simply right-click on the images to save them to your computer.

The Possibility Panel

When to promote: February 19th - October 17th

Email and Social Copy


Simply right-click on the images to save them to your computer.

Teaching to Transform

When to promote: February 19th - October 17th

Email and Social Copy


Simply right-click on the images to save them to your computer.

The Science of Being Mindful

When to promote: February 19th - October 17th

Email and Social Copy


Simply right-click on the images to save them to your computer.


When to promote: Anytime throughout the launch


Simply right-click on the images to save them to your computer.

Thank you for the important work you do in the world! We deeply appreciate the opportunity to partner with you to help uplift humanity.

Please email with any questions.


Exclusive Event with Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield

The Science of Being Mindful